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Sunday, February 1, 2009Y


hahahahaha.....this maybe the best cny ii ever had.not because ii collected alot of angbao but other reason which ii dont wanna mention cause ii dont want any unnecessary trouble again:)anyway,ii going to collect angbao again on nxt sat or even sun too.oh ya,ii went to "the wedding game" with my mum and bro.erm,the movie was nice but someone spoilt it.the audience frm the back and front.the front was trying popcorn and empty cup and the back was making alot of"monkey' voices which really irritates me.ii was thinking whether to shout "police" or not.aft the movie.mum and I has the same thinking of those people.(没礼貌)ya aft that we went home.aft alighting,we went to buy "yu sheng" cause we have decide to 捞"yu sheng".then we went home."ding"" dong" bell.the clock strike at 12 am. sharp.we start to 捞"yu sheng".papa and mama shout" huat ah""huat ah""huat ah"!!!! hahahahas...very funny lorrrrr.very year de same sentence but they will nvr feel sian de.hahahahahahahahahahahaha......

5:50 AM Photobucket

Thursday, January 22, 2009Y


first,ii wanna to shout out loud because:

2 more days to lunar C.N.Y yeahh!!!!!

second,ii wanna talk about my class,3N1.hahahaha....

so happy that ii went into this fun class.classmates were so friendly.CANs!!!??within this 2 week plus or mayb more,our relation between each other was so good.in class was like joking till crazy,laughing till crazy.ya,what ii really wanna say is just this day(leadership training).ii have fun,work,play together.and what ii wanna emphasize is just the last game we played.everybody just suddenly bonded together and from then on,our class is just like ....
so nw,ii am just looking forward for the sec 3 overseas trip/camp.so hope that day faster COME!!!

11:52 PM Photobucket

Saturday, January 10, 2009Y


everything is alright again!!!

10:50 PM Photobucket

Sunday, January 4, 2009Y

this are the photo we taken yesterday.just to take the bursary award by MoE and while there're many student and parent there.it's a long day for us cause we are in different batch.he's in the first batch while mine is in the second batch.ya,so we reach there bout 1 something and we left at 5-6 something.aft that we went hm and then went makan and then went back hm rest again.so overall ii felt quite happy receiving this award.hahahas....

2:46 AM Photobucket

Friday, January 2, 2009Y


okayy,today was the first day of school and guess how ii really feel?excited?NO.happy?kinda.actually,what really make me buay tah han is that teacher.but overall ii enjoy in class cause there's always laughter and fun.what ii dont like about that teacher is that,she said ii go dye my hair.ROARR!!! of cos ii didnt!ii told her that it's natural colour,she dont believe then still ask me who was my last year form teacher.is kinda angry cann??!!!!but after that ii think she went to ask my last year form teacher cause she nvr ask me go dye back black.time flies,after physics lesson,that teacher came back class again.but this time,she brought laughter in our class.ii was like laughing like hell man!!hahahas...same,ii sat with su ting this year again.of cos,ii am not regret but the opposite,ii wanted to sit beside her.is like fate bring me and her together.although got some misunderstood ,but it's all over.of cos not forgetting my goodgood de best friends.hungshe,xingying,hee cheng.being with me throgh many difficulties and ii think nw and in the future nth can bring us apart.like that say like very mushy hor,but this are just what ii rally wanna say.so my friends,let make this sentence come true.okies?ii believe we can de:)

really wanna try a second relationship with him but ii dont think he like me:(

1:44 AM Photobucket

Wednesday, December 24, 2008Y

25 dec 2008

su ting,hungshe,xingying,hee cheng and other friendfriend nxt week sch will reopen.

are you all ready to face 2009 challenge??

8:40 PM Photobucket

Monday, December 15, 2008Y


Recently,many things happened.things are TOTALLY no alright.ii dont know how adult think and maybe we child too.ah gong went hospital again and bad things keep coming.As a family ,shouldnt we just to give in as well as shares harmony together?why must we be calculative towards each other huh?heaven brings us together to be one whole family,so why must we break this?it is all fate.just wanna say it's fate that bring us together as ONE so we MUST cherish everybody.if we are not fated to be together,we wouldnt have met each other and be brother and cousins.for eg.if we everytime see each and giving "face" and be calculative toward each other,would both of us be happy?as well as the others?ppl do make mistakes.we are no different from each other.if we dont forgive and forget,would there be harmony in this family?ii know ii am a child but that doesnt mean my thinking is not mature.so if we try to be forgiving and more forgettable,things will always goes right,no matter what.new year is coming,why must we break the atmosphere of happiness.different ppl,different thinking.and ii do understand.but we must put ourselve in other ppl shoes.if we always stood by our own thinking,there's will be always no room of communication.so hope all of you can understand what ii really wanna to express.thank you.

1:30 AM Photobucket